Thursday, July 26, 2018

125 is in the base data leak, the distributor has activated thousands fake fake SIM


125 is in the base data leak, the distributor has activated thousands fake fake SIM

125 is in the base data leak, the distributor has activated thousands fake fake SIM

A case has been registered for deactivating more than 6000 fraudulent SIMs by linking the base data
New Delhi (Tech Desk) Thousands of kilometers away from the country’s capital, a SIM card distributor in Telangana has activated more than 6,000 fake SIM cards by breaking the base data. After this, the Regional Office located in Telangana of India’s Unique Identification Authority (UIDAI) registered a complaint against the card distributor. According to the media report, the distributor named P Santosh Kumar has used the people’s physical fingerprint to activate more than 6,000 SIM cards via e-KYC.
Data theft of Property Documents:
In order to steal people’s physical fingerprint, Kumar downloaded the credentials of the people from the Telangana Registration and Stamps Department and prepared their base database. This is possible because the registration documents deposited in the registration and stamps department are available on the internet, fingerprints are available on the Internet, which can be easily downloaded. Kumar supported this and prepared a base database and activated via fake SIM e-KYC.
Expenditure of Rs 125 only:
According to media reports, Kumar spent Rs 125 on removing people’s biometric data. The property documents of any person can be extracted from 210 rupees to 235 rupees from the Telangana Registration and Stamps Department. There are biometric details of property sellers, buyers and two witnesses. Including their birthdate, father’s name, address, fingerprint etc. Through these documents, Kumar has provided a person’s data by spending only 50-60 rupees. After this, activating the SIM card through e-KYC, using the photo of these fingerprint in the biometric reader.
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