Thursday, July 26, 2018

Fraud in online shopping, if you also buy Shopping online, then read this news


Fraud in online shopping, if you also buy Shopping online, then read this news

Fraud in online shopping, if you also buy Shopping online, then read this news
Today’s time is Internet time, and people take advantage of it too. Whether they want to chat online, watch online videos or do online shopping. Let us tell you that in the present time since 2012 online shopping has increased a lot more and the main reason is the greater use of internet and smartphones.
Although there are many fears and fears about online shopping in the mind of the people and if we believe in them, then it should also be scared. These fears are especially related to online fraud.
All of you will remember that some time ago a smartphone called Freedom 251 was launched and it was offered to people to buy an incredible price i.e. just Rs 251. Millions of people had booked him online and 251 rupees were deposited in the company’s account. According to the company, after the booking, the phone delivery option was given and it was given a time limit, but neither did it come to the mobile nor did they deposit money.
Tell us that nowadays there is a tremendous surge in online fraud cases. And anyway, the person or website you are trusting is buying online products, you do not know it directly, just a virtual online identity that you know. In this case, you will think that the option of cash on delivery is a very good option, but in that case you pay the money without seeing the product, it means that you pay only after seeing its packing. In this way how can you minimize your risk in online shopping and how to avoid such fraud? Learn some solutions.
Always buy any stuff online, always buy from an official cellar
Cable bought the same material available in the warehouse
Also look at the seller’s rating of that product when buying a product
Do not miss out on big offers or cheap discounts
Always read the information about that product well, then buy it
If you take care of them then the possibility of getting your online shit becomes very work. Hope you liked this article, share it with your friends and family, so that they can also avoid online shit.
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