Tuesday, January 8, 2019

GPSC Updates on 08-01-2019


GPSC Updates on 08-01-2019

• Important Notice regarding Change of Exam Date for Advt. No. 63/2018-19, to 69/2018-19, Lecturer (Homoeopathy), General State Service Class-2, under the Directorate, AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unanai, Siddha and Homoeopathy)

• List of Ineligible Candidates for Interview, Advertisement No:-26/2018-19, Pathologist, Employees State Insurance Scheme, Class-1

• Final Answer Key, Advt No. 37/2018-19, Inspecting Officer, Class-1

• Final result-Partial Modification of Advt No. 106/2015-16, Assistant Professor English in Government Engineering College, GES, Class-2

• Detailed Interview Program for Advt No. 68/2016-17, ICT Officer, Class-2, Department of Science and Technology

from MaruGujarat.net http://bit.ly/2SDSMlf
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