Thursday, May 2, 2019

Central University of Gujarat (CUG) Recruitment for JRF Post 2019


Central University of Gujarat (CUG) Recruitment for JRF Post 2019

Post Name: Junior Research Fellow

Educational Qualification: MSc or equivalent degree with 55% marks and the passing of NET/GATE with minimum one year of research experience in the field of synthesis/ organofluorine chemistry.
Rs. 25,000/- per month.
If no such candidates are available, candidate with MSc or equivalent degree with 55% marks and one year of research experience in the field of synthesis/ organofluorine chemistry will be considered for project assistant position with consolidated salary of 22,000/- per month.

Age Limit: maximum 28 years.

Selection Process: interview.

How to Apply: Interested candidates can come directly for interview for above mentioned position at conference room, sector 30, Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar with their resume, educational and experience certificates on 13-05-2019 at 11.00 a.m. No TA/DA or any other allowances will be paid for appearing in the interview.

Dr Gururaja G.N.
Assistant Professor
School of Chemical Sciences
Central University of Gujarat
Sector 30, Gandhinagar 382030
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Interview Date: 13-05-2019

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