Saturday, August 24, 2019

GPSC Updates on 24-08-2019


GPSC Updates on 24-08-2019

Final Result for the post of Associate Professor/Reader, Homeopathic Materia Medica, Class‐I, Government Homeopathy College, Advt. No.56/2018‐19

Final Result for the post of Professor, Homeopathic Materia Medica, Class‐I, Government Homeopathy College, Advt. No.47/2018‐19

List of Ineligible Candidates for Main Written Exam (with reasons) after Application Scrutiny for Advt no. 55/2018-19 Deputy Section Officer / Deputy Mamlatdar, Class-III

Final Result-Addendum- for Advt No. 96/2015-16 Assistant Professor, Electronics & Communication in Govt Engineering College, GES, Class-II

Important Notice regarding unavailability of the services of the GPSC websites and mobile application from 31.08.2019 (8 PM) to 03.09.2019 (09:00 AM)

Syllabus of Preliminary and Mains Examination, Advt. No. 20/2019-20, Deputy Section Officer / Deputy Mamlatdar, Class-3

• Important Notice regarding CBRT (Computer Based Recruitment Test) based Preliminary Exam for the Advt No.s 05, 09, 68 & 119/2018-19 to be held on Dt. 01-09-2019

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