Saturday, September 21, 2019

High Court of Gujarat Peon (Class IV) Select List / Wait List 2019


High Court of Gujarat Peon (Class IV) Select List / Wait List 2019

SELECT LIST for Recruitment to the post of PEON (CLASS-IV) including Chowkidar/Liftman/Water Server/Home Attendant – Domestic Attendant/Jail Warder/Sweeper on the establishment of the Subordinate Courts of the State of Gujarat, on the basis of Merits + Preference of District, at the conclusion of the 3rd Centralized Recruitment Process undertaken by High Court of Gujarat.[No. RC/1434/2018(5) {74/201819}]

CENTRALIZED WAIT LIST for Recruitment to the post of PEON (CLASS-IV) including Chowkidar/Liftman/Water Server/Home Attendant – Domestic Attendant/Jail Warder/Sweeper on the establishment of the Subordinate Courts of the State of Gujarat, at the conclusion of the 3rd Centralized Recruitment Process undertaken by High Court of Gujarat.[No. RC/1434/2018(5) {74/201819}]

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