Sunday, September 22, 2019

PDPU Recruitment for Professor/ Associate Professor Posts 2019


Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University (PDPU) Recruitment for Professor/ Associate Professor Posts 2019

The University is looking for bright, dynamic and highly motivated Ph.D.s for the post of Professor/Associate Professor in the disciplines of *Environmental Engineering.

Qualifications, experience and pay scales will be at par with IITs.

Desirable : Capable to find sustainable solutions for different environmental issues like air, water , soil and noise pollution, solid and hazardous waste To coordinate with clients and projects To handhold for NABL accreditation Project management and Data management Writing and analysing technical reports Manage/ coordinate projects and specific programmes Analyse various technical activities Prepare proposals, contracts and evaluate tenders Preparation of job orders and implementation plan (MIS)

Scrutiny for suitable candidate and decision of the Selection of the candidate shall be at the sole discretion of the University.

  • Interested Candidates are required to apply online through University portal on or before 05th October 2019.
  • In the Application form, select “PDPU” in “Applying To” and 90” in “Vacancy No.”
  • Select “Faculty Position” in “Designation and Grades”
  • Fill the complete form

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