Thursday, January 30, 2020

GPSC Updates on 30-01-2020


Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) Updates on 30-01-2020

Syllabus of Advt. No.142/2019-20, Assistant Manager (Survey), Class-2, (GMDC) Board / Corporation (A Govt. of Gujarat Undertaking)

Syllabus of Advt. No. 141/2019-20, Assistant Manager (Information Technology), Class-2, (GMDC) Board / Corporation (A Govt. of Gujarat Undertaking)

Syllabus of Advt. No. 140/2019-20, Assistant Manager (Fire & Safety), Class-2, (GMDC) Board / Corporation (A Govt. of Gujarat Undertaking)

Syllabus of Advt. No. 139/2019-20, Assistant Manager (Civil), Class-2, (GMDC) Board / Corporation (A Govt. of Gujarat Undertaking)

Syllabus of Advt. No. 138/2019-20, Assistant Manager (Environment), Class-2, (GMDC) Board / Corporation (A Govt. of Gujarat Undertaking)

Syllabus of Advt. No. 137/2019-20, Assistant Manager (Finance & Accounts), Class-2, (GMDC) Board / Corporation (A Govt. of Gujarat Undertaking)

Syllabus of Advt. No. 136/2019-20, Assistant Manager (Human Resource)/Labour Welfare Officer, Class-2, (GMDC) Board / Corporation (A Govt. of Gujarat Undertaking)

Syllabus of Advt. No. 135/2019-20, Deputy General Manager (Legal), Class-1, (GMDC)Board / Corporation (A Govt. of Gujarat Undertaking)

Syllabus of Advt. No. 134/2019-20, Deputy General Manager [Mines] (1st Class Coal), Class-1, (GMDC) Board / Corporation (A Govt. of Gujarat Undertaking)

Syllabus of Advt. No. 133/2019-20, Deputy General Manager [Mines] (1st Class Metal), Class-1, (GMDC)Board / Corporation (A Govt. of Gujarat Undertaking)

Syllabus of Advt. No. 132/2019-20, General Manager (Business Development Cell), Class-1 (GMDC)

List of Eligible Candidates for Interview, Advt. No. 66/2018-19, Lecturer (Pathology), Class-2 in Homoeopathy College Health and Family Welfare

List of Eligible Candidates for Interview, Advt. No. 121/2018-19, Assistant Director (Biology), Class-1, Directorate of Forensic Science, Home Department

List of Eligible Candidates for Application Scrutiny, Advt. No. 102/2018-19 Joint Director, Industrial Safety and Health, in the Gujarat Industrial Safety and Health Service, Class-

List of Eligible Candidates for Interview of Advt. No. 104/ 2018-19, Pathologist (Specialist Service), Health and Medical Services, Class-I

List of Eligible Candidates for Interview of Advt No. 70/2018-19, Dental Surgeon, Employees’ State Insurance Scheme, Class-2

List of Eligible Candidates for Interview for Advt. No. 63/2018‐19, Lecturer (Homoeopathic, Materia Medica), Class-2 in Homoeopathy College, Health and Family Welfare

List of Eligible Candidates for Interview for GPSC/201819/9 – Professor, Public Health Dentistry, Class-1 (Dental Cadre)

Final Answer Key (CSM-1 & CSM-2) for Advt. No. 12/2019-20, Gujarat Medical and Health Service, Class-2

Final Answer Key for Advt No. 98/2018-19, Assistant Professor, Psychology in Government Arts, Science & Commerce College, GES, Class-2

List of Eligible Candidates for Application Scrutiny, Advt. No. 93/2018-19, Assistant Professor, Chemistry in Government Arts, Science & Commerce College, GES, Class-2

List of Eligible Candidates for Application Scrutiny, Advt. No.83/2018-19, Assistant Professor, Botany in Government Arts, Science & Commerce College, GES, Class-2

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