Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation (GMRC) Limited Recruitment for Various Posts 2021


Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation (GMRC) Limited Recruitment for Various Posts 2021

GMRC invites applications from qualified and experienced candidates as per the following posts on standard terms & conditions: for detailed recruitment notification Please CLICK HERE 1) Civil Department:

Sr. No. Post Details
1 Additional General Manager (Civil)
2 Joint General Manager (Civil)
3 Sr. Deputy General Manager (Civil)
4 Deputy General Manager (Civil-Safety) APPLY ONLINE POST
5 Deputy General Manager (MMI)
6 Manager (Civil)
7 Manager (Architect)
8 Manager (Multi Modal Integration)

For Civil Deputation:

i. For Sr. No. 1 to 5: Interested candidates working in Indian railways/Metro Rail Organization/State or Central Govt. PSU/Board/Organization of Government may apply on deputation basis on standard terms & conditions of parent organization and other entitlements as per governing policies of GMRC Ltd. The NOC should be submitted with application on or before the date of interview. ii. For Sr. No. 1 to 3: The Officials who have recently retired may also apply for the on contractual basis and their remuneration would be on Consolidated Pay on negotiable terms subject to age limit of 65 years. iii. Preference will be given to candidates working in Indian Railways/Metro Rail Organizations/ Central Government/State Government/ PSUs/Organization of Government implementing Large Civil Engineering Projects iv. Preference will be given to candidate who has worked in Gujarat State for at least 03 years and are conversant with the Gujarati Language

2) Systems, Electrical & Rolling Stock Department:

Sr. No. Post Discipline Details
1 General Manager
Electrical/Rolling Stock
2 Additional General Manager Rolling Stock/Electrical
3 Joint General Manager
Signalling & PSD
4 Senior Deputy General Manager
Rolling Stock
5 Deputy General Manager
Rolling Stock
6 Manager
Rolling Stock

For SER Deputation: i. For Sr. No. 1 to 5: Interested candidates working in Indian railways/Metro Rail Organization/State or Central Govt. PSU/Board/Organization of Government may apply on deputation basis along with NOC/through proper channel on standard terms & conditions of parent organization and other entitlements as per governing policies of GMRC Ltd. ii. For Sr. No. 1 to 4: The Officials who have recently retired may also apply for the on contractual basis and their remuneration would be on Consolidated Pay on negotiable terms subject to age limit of 65 years. iii. Preference will be given to candidates working in Indian Railways/Metro Rail Organizations/ Central Government/State Government/ PSUs/Organization of Government implementing Large Electrical Engineering Projects. iv. Preference will be given to candidate who has worked in Gujarat State for at least 03 years and are conversant with Gujarati Language

Important Dates:
• Starting Date for Submission of Online Application: 21-07-2021
• Last Date for Submission of Online Application: 20-08-2021

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