Monday, September 13, 2021

IPR invites Applications for PhD In Physics 2021


Institute of Plasma Research (IPR) invites Applications for PhD In Physics 2021

Institute for Plasma Research (IPR) is a premier scientific research institute under the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India, located in Bhat Village, Gandhinagar, Gujarat. IPR is engaged in development of plasma technologies for societal benefits and fusion research. It has indigenously developed ADITYA and SST-1 tokamaks. It is also a domestic agency of ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, Caderache France) and a part of consortium in the international LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational Observatory) program. It has extension laboratories at Facilitation Center for Industrial Plasma Technologies in Gandhinagar, Gujarat and Center for Plasma Physics (CPP) at Guwahati. Highly motivated candidates are hereby invited to pursue doctoral research in theory, experiment and computational plasma physics at IPR on wide variety of fields such as Dusty plasma, Laser-Plasma interaction, Industrial Plasma, Fusion Plasma, Tokamaks and Radiofrequency Discharges and Applications etc.

Educational Qualifications: M.Sc. in one of the following subjects: Physics, Engineering Physics or Applied Physics with a minimum aggregate of 60%. Candidates must have Physics and Mathematics courses at the under graduate level. Candidates expecting a Master’s degree (M. Sc.) in the year 2021 can
also apply.

Eligibility Criteria: The candidates MUST have qualified at least one of the following national level examinations: (i) JEST–2021 (in Physics) (ii) GATE in Physics (Paper code PH) valid for 2019/2020/2021 and (iii) CSIR–UGC-JRF-NET in June 2020 in Physical Sciences (Subject code PHY).

Age Limit: Not more than 26 years as on 1st Aug. 2021 (born on or after 01/08/1995). Age relaxation is admissible to SC/ST/OBC/PWD etc. as per Government of India orders on the subject from time to time.

Age relaxation: SC/ST – 5 Years; OBC – 3 Years and Persons with disability (PWD) of all categories – 10 Years.

Selection Procedure: Shortlisted candidates will be required to appear for an interview. The final selection of the candidates shall be based on performance in the interview.

Interview: Interviews will be conducted online (OI). Online-interviews will commence from 8th November 2021. The exact dates for online interview will be announced on IPR website as well as communicated to the shortlisted candidates in due course. The guidelines for OI interviews can be found here (

Application Form: The Candidates are requested to fill the online application form, which is available in the IPR website (ADVT 06/2021).

Stipend & Facilities: Consolidated stipend of Rs. 31,000/- per month for first two years and Rs. 35,000/- per month for the next three years. Book grant of Rs. 40,000/- per year. Medical facility will be provided at a nominal charge. House rent allowance (HRA) as per IPR rules and regulations for those candidates who choose NOT to stay in IPR hostel.

Hostel Accommodation: Limited hostel accommodations are available in IPR premises for selected candidates. Women candidates and candidates with PWD shall be given preference for Hostel accommodation. Candidates are requested to mention their respective choice of accommodation in the application form.

Important Dates to Remember:
1. Opening Date for Online Application: 13th September 2021 (Time: 10:00 AM, IST)
2. Closing Date for Online Application: 4th October 2021 (Time: 5:00 PM, IST)
3. Commencement of Online interview: 8th November 2021

Any query related to above, please write at

IMPORTANT: All dates mentioned above (except AGE limit) may change at short notice depending upon the present and future Covid19 situation in the Country. Please keep visiting this website for important information.

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