Wednesday, February 16, 2022

High Court of Gujarat Updates on 17-02-2022


High Court of Gujarat Updates on 17-02-2022

Addendum to the Select List dated 09/04/2021 for Recruitment to the cadre of CIVIL JUDGES [No. RC/0719/2019-20 80/201920]

List of Candidates who have Qualified in the Computer Aided Test conducted on 19-12-2021 and are being called for Viva-Voce Test (Oral Interview) for the Recruitment to the post of PROGRAMMER (Recruitment Cell) on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [NO. RC/A/1316/2020-84/202021]

List of Candidates who have qualified in the Computer Aided Test conducted on 19-12-2021 and are being called for Viva-Voce Test (Oral Interview) for the Recruitment to the post of COMPUTER OPERATOR (Information Technology Cell) on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat.[No. RC/B/1304/2020(C.O.)-83/202021]

Posting of 10 (ten) Wait Listed Candidates from Centralized Wait List vis-à-vis the 3rd Centralized Recruitment Process for the post of ASSISTANT on the establishment of the Subordinate Courts in the State of Gujarat. [No.RC/1434/2018(II) 69/201819]

Detailed Advertisement for the Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of Civil Judge (Year-2022)[No. RC/0719/2022 – 95/202122]

NOTIFICATION: Vacancies for the Cadre of Civil Judges [NO. RC/0719/2022]

List of Candidates who have qualified in the TRANSLATION TEST and are being called for the Viva-Voce Test for the post of TRANSLATOR on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat. [NO. RC/B.1304/2021(Translator)-90/202122]

ADVOCATE who has Qualified in the Main Written Examination held on 21/11/2021, and is being called for Oral Interview for Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judges (25%). [No.RC/1250/2020-82/201920]

List of JUDICIAL OFFICERS who have Qualified in the Main Written Examination held on 21/11/2021, and are being called for Oral Interview for Recruitment to the Cadre of District Judges (10%). [No.RC/1250/2020-DJ-10%]

SELECT LIST of the candidates for the Recruitment to the post of LEGAL ASSISTANT on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat purely on contractual basis. [No.RC/B/1320/2021-92/202122]

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